Kittens are one of the most adorable young ones of animals I feel... Not that I have seen young ones of many species, but they're better than human kids - for starters, they don't cry!
Just a couple of months back, a cat in the neighbourhood had a litter of kittens - three very sweet and innocent looking kittens. I was at once attached to the feline family, though ironically I'm not much of a fan of cats - the solitary, fully grown ones. I just somehow feel they are intrinsically not capable of loving humans the way their canine counterparts are. Cat lovers spare me, but this is just my personal observation, or better still, let's just dismiss it as a matter of individual like / dislike.
So coming back, I started playing around with the kittens, keeping milk and water for them, and simply observing them - all this from a distance. Once they realised I was no mean human set out to eradicate them, they became friends! They would come closer and closer to me as time passed, though it was a few days before I could actually touch them even. Mommy cat seemed to have no problem bringing her kids inside my house and playing around and even feeding them at one instant! Clearly she visualised me as no harm.
During my playtime with them I also clicked a lot of photos, out of which only a few came out nice, owing to the fact that it was really difficult to find a right opportunity, have my cam with me at that time, and clicking at that very instant - three independent factors!
Above I've put a couple of my favourite photos, the remaining can be seen here.
bhaari pics dude! and sweet kittens
i would have loved it if u cropped the first pic such that only the kittens face and the licking could be far as the second pic goes, martix!
that would be "matrix"... i hope.. ;-)
yes that was precisely what i exclaimed after seeing that shot on the cam's lcd..
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