"Your successes and challenges are the chapters that make up your personal narratives."
"My hope for you is that when you discover your passion, when you know what you want to do above all else, don't let anything hold you back."
"As you live out your personal story, be aware that the plot can change!"
"As you sit here today, waiting for your turn to walk across this stage, it is impossible for you to imagine the twists that your career path will take."
"I know you will move the world forward. You already have begun."
These are some excerpts from our University President, Dr. France Cordova's speech at the 215th commencement ceremony of Purdue University. It was an amazing experience walking up the stage of Elliotte Hall to receive our diplomas (or rather a symbolic folder of the same) from her. This pure joy and excitement will last for a long time; the joy of completing one objective and the excitement of setting eyes on to the next!
After a Master's Degree in Civil Engineering, having decided to pursue a Doctorate in Materials Science and Engineering, there are more than few concerns that leave me unsettled every time I think about it. Changing streams in the academic path at any stage is not an easy task and the decision to do so at this level surely took some intense thought process. Family, friends and mentors will always be there to guide and support but their counsel stops there; the decision is for us to make. The decision and all the repercussions it brings are the sole responsibility of the individual.
It is not uncommon for students in the US to change fields of study and some of these are rather drastic. The same cannot be said about a vast majority of students in India. We are generally inclined to continue in our chosen paths of study; paths that are sometimes chosen by parents, teachers or other wise people. Although that may be a good starting point, it may not be the best path for many. However, due to several reasons, students continue in their respective fields and succeed too, per the commonly accepted measures like a stable job, good earning and high standard of living.
The single most important thing from Dr. Cordova's speech that resonates with my thoughts greatly is that "the plot can change!" I sincerely believe that there is no business for inertia to creep in to one's decision making process regarding the career path he/she has to pursue. I implore you, all my friends and acquaintances, junior and senior to me alike, to introspect whether you are absolutely satisfied with what you have set out to achieve. And recalling what our President urged us - "when you discover your passion, when you know what you want to do above all else, don't let anything hold you back."